Computational Physiology & Biomedical Lab

The BIOLAB research activity is focused on the following topics: Autonomic Nervous System Dynamics, in this research topic we are investigating heartbeat dynamics and its spontaneous fluctuations and how it is directly controlled by autonomic nervous system (ANS) outflow to the heart.

Specifically, the multipath feedback system for neural control of the heart is manifested by the complex interaction between the sympathetic and parasympathetic (vagal) limbs of the ANS. ICT for Mental Health. Depression is the third leading contributor to global diseases, and depressive mood state is also considered to be strictly related to the onset or worsening of a severe primary somatic disease.

Our research focuses on early assessment of human mental health through analysis of behavioral and physiological signals, also devising ad-hoc cutting-edge, advanced biomedical signal processing and artificial intelligence techniques. ICT for Animals and human-animal interaction.

The ICT tools for Animals are new line of hardware and software solutions designed to monitor autonomic nervous system activity. Specifically, our systems are able to acquire simultaneously cardiac, respiratory and physical activity of animals for several hours; to store it locally, and to stream the acquired data forward to portable electronics (e.g. a smartphone or a table or a laptop etc.).

The research scope is to analyse animal and human data during their interaction to better understand and describe the dynamic evolution of this interaction in order to increase the knowledge within the Animal Assisted Intervention therapy (AAI). Affective Computing. It is a field of research that "relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotion or other affective phenomena" (Picard, MIT Press 1997).

Many studies have been conducted in this field, involving diverse stimuli such as haptic, visual and olfactory stimulation. In this research we monitored and analyzed different autonomic modulated biomedical signal, such as EEG, HRV, Speech, EDA, Eye Gaze, Pupillometry, EMG etc.


People: Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Nicola Vanello, Alberto Greco, Antonio Lanatà, Gaetano Valenza


Equipment: High density Geodesitc EEG (128-channels), Wireless EEG, Biopac MP100 miltichannel biosignal monitoring, SMI eye tracker, Wireless Inertial platform Sense, Electronic laboratory instrumentation

01 Luglio 2019