The research activity of the Applied Electromagnetics group is focused on a wide spectrum of applications
that involve the exploitation of electromagnetic fields. The current main research topics include:
The three main areas of research related to Telecommunications engineering that are present at the DII are: Digital Communications, Communication Networks, and Radar and Remote Sensing.
The main research topics include Embedded Systems, Computer Networks, Pervasive Computing, Data Analytics and Soft Computing, Information Systems, Cybersecurity, Computer Ethicsand Digital Citizenship
The research on Bioengineering is directed at studying the human body using dry and wet materials, sensing and actuation and intelligent wetware, software and hardware. the main research topics include Computational Physiology, Computer Assisted Surgery and Augmented Reality, Design of Non Animal Testing Systems,Biomedical imaging, Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems, Biomedical Additive Manufacturing.
Il progetto PANACEA, PRIN 2022 (Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) vede la collaborazione tra i gruppi di ricerca di robotica subacquea delle Università di Pisa e Firenze per il monitoraggio...