Spinoff Companies

Weabios srl

Largo Duca D’Aosta 4, Pisa (PI)

Biomedical Engineering

Smart, Wearable, Customizable and Adaptable sensors for Sport, Health and Fashion


Feel-ING srl 
Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, 56122, Pisa

Electronics / Computer Science

Monitoring Wearable Systems, Algorithms for biomedical signal analysis, ICT solutions for animals, Affective computing 


Via Mario Giuntini, 13, 56023 c/o Polo Tecnologico Navacchio PI
Administrative Headquarter Offices: Via Delle Rose 105 – 55100 Lucca (LU)

Electronics, Automation, Biomedical Engineering

Design, development and implementation of electronic devices, sensors and software devices


Via Agostino Bassi 5, Pisa


Voice over IP, PBX, Carrier Class Softswitch, QoE/QoS, Unified Communication/Collaboration 


Ingeniars s.r.l.
Via Ponte a Piglieri, 8 – 56121 Pisa

Elettronics and Embedded Systems

[space] hardware IP cores for space communication and networking and relevant electronic ground segment equipment;
[automotive] hardware IP cores for cybersecurity;
[healthcare] embedded system for chronic patient remote monitoring and electronic instrument for electrocardiogram measurement.


Proxima Robotics s.r.l.
Via Enrico Betti 2, 56124 Pisa (PI), Italy

Robotics, Autonomous Navigation, Mobile Robotics

Proxima Robotics’ mission is to pave the road for the next generation of robots. A high variety of application fields is possible thanks to our design paradigm: using a common core for all the robots and aim to make them autonomous, user friendly, safe, and highly customizable. 


qbrobotics srl
Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio Via Mario Giuntini 13 56023, Navacchio - Cascina (PI) Italy


Our Mission is to implement the technologies that will revolutionize the way robots move as to produce accessible and safe robots using natural motor and impedance control through postural and motion synergies. Soft Robotics Actuation Artificial Hands Collaborative Robots Natural Motion


FreeSpace srl
Via Antonio Cocchi 7, Ospedaletto, Pisa

Applied Electromagnetics

Free Space srl is a company specialized in the design and production of devices and materials employed in the transmission, reception and control of electromagnetic signals, for highly specialized systems in several reference markets. Main activities are focused on ICT systems integration, special antennas, stealth materials.


Ospedaletto, PI.
Administrative Headquarter Offices: Via di Bagnaia, 414 - 55054 Massarosa (LU), Italy


Bioreactors, imaging, 3D models



Kirkstall Ltd
3 Aspen Court, Centurion Business Park, Templeborough, Rotherham, S60 1FB, UK


Bioreactors, organ models 



e-SPres3D srl
EndoCAS - building 102 - Ospedale di Cisanello Via Paradisa 2, 56124 Pisa
Administrative Headquarters: Sede legale: Via Lazzaro Ludovico Zamenhof 6, 56127 Pisa

Biomedical Engineering

Surgical Simulators, Image based surgical planning, patient specific 3D modelling, 3D printing.


Polo Tecnologico Navacchio


Radar, surveillance systems 


Quantavis srl 
GATE - Galileo Accelerator for Technology and Entrepreneurship. Largo PAdre Renzo Spadoi  56126 PISA (PI) 


Nanotechnology, Computer Aided Design, Internet of Things (Components, Circuits, and Solutions) 


Cubit scarl
Via Giuntini n° 13 Navacchio 56021 Cascina (PI), Italy

Telecommunications, Applied electromagnetism 

Prototypes and components for latest generation telecommunications systems, with particular reference to radio technology and electromagnetic compatibility 




04 Settembre 2019