Cuban Center for Neurosciences, a Scientific Partner to Discover

22 Settembre 2022

René Iván González Fernández del Centro per le NeuroScienze di Cuba (CNEURO)

giovedì 22 settembre alle ore 16:00
Aula Riunioni Piano Terra, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Via Caruso 16

Interverrà all'incontro Claudio Paganelli, CEO dell’azienda Horontek di Livorno che si occupa della ricerca e sviluppo per la produzione di Apparecchi Acustici e apparecchi diagnostici Audiologici,e che presenterà le attività dell'azienda

Abstract Fernández
The aim of this talk is to present the main characteristics of the Cuban Center for Neurosciences, hereinafter CNEURO, in order to motivate academic exchange and scientific collaboration between the prestigious University of Pisa and our center. CNEURO is a research center focused on the study of the central nervous system whose origins date back to 1969 when a group of young Cuban researchers, under the tutelage of prestigious specialists such as Bjorn Holgrem, Ruth Urba, Thalía Harmony and Roy John; began to develop quantitative methods to be implemented in digital computers to analyze the spontaneous and evoked electrical activity of the brain. Since then, CNEURO has grown and expanded its scientific interests into fields such as the search for new biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease; the development of methods for neuroimaging processing, the development of technologies for the management of aging and neurodevelopmental disorders; the development of neurostimulation devices for therapy purposes; the development of technologies for the management of hearing deficiencies and Neuro informatics for the analysis of EEG and MRI data in normal and pathological brain conditions. CNEURO maintains scientific collaboration with different universities in Europe, Canada and China, is a member of the Global Brain Consortium and the Cuba-Canada-China Brain Mapping Project. In addition, CNEURO is the coordinator of the National Program of Neurosciences and Neurotechnology financed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Cuba. From the academic point of view, CNEURO is the leader of the National Program of Scientific Degrees in Neurosciences and Neurotechnology of the Republic of Cuba and maintains exchanges of students and professors with universities in several countries.

Prof. René Iván González-Fernández received his B.S.E., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Technological University of Havana, Cuba, in 1982, 1986 and 1996, respectively. He joined Cuban Center for Neurosciences, 2018, and was designed as the Head of the Department of Neurostimulation. From March, 1983 to April, 2018, his scientific progress was remarkable, working as a researcher, head of projects, head of department and Director of the Research Division at the Central Institute for Digital Research; obtaining highlighted results in software and medical devices developing, mainly for cardiovascular signal processing and vital signs monitoring. Simultaneously, he was working as professor at the Informatics and Automation schools of the Technological University of Havana, combining lecturing with the advising of Ph.D. and M.Sc. thesis. He was honored as Academician of Merit of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba since 2018. His research interests include biomedical signal processing, development of medical devices, neurostimulation and new materials and technologies. Professor Gonzalez-Fernandez has authored/co-authored 102 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, book chapters and international conferences. He has been member of the scientific committee of multiple pan American and world congress on biomedical engineering. He is a member of the CORAL-IFMBE group, the Cuban Society of Bioengineering, the International Society of Electrophysiology, the Interamerican Society of Cardiology and the Iberoamerican Association of Telehealth and Telemedicine.